
From a child's viewpoint, divorcing parents is emotionally more stressful than the death of a parent.

The most common reason that divorced or separated parents end up in court is ineffective communication. CustodyZen enhances effective communication by keeping you in a frame of mind that the children must come first. By doing this, and keeping most of the parenting discussions online, you are significantly less likely to argue and end up in court. The cost of just one hour of legal fees from a family law attorney can cover a full year's subscription to CustodyZen.

Think about how much their world is affected by a divorce. The custody schedule. The custody exchanges and stresses they involve. How to plan sports. Being in the middle.

  • Prevents being in the middle
  • Helps planning
  • Helps sharing
  • Helps you coordinate common household rules
  • Helps you schedule your life
  • Helps you stay organized (contact information, etc.)
  • Results in happier kids